Our Impact

Testimonials from our #FutureChangeMakers !

Cornell University Student, Brooklyn, NY

OMGG THANK YOU SO MUCH KYRA-LEE. We wouldn't have achieved this accomplishment without you being our role model and providing your aid and guidance. Thank you so much for your dedication in our college endeavors."

Medgar Evers College Preparatory High School, Brooklyn, NY

“Thank you so much Kyra-Lee. Thank you for helping us and supporting us throughout our senior year and the college process. I really appreciate everything you've done for us so thank you."

Youth Coordinator - NSBE Jr, Syracuse, NY

“Kyra-Lee I want to thank you for all you did to make this [event] one of the best since joining [the organization] in 2000. I thank you for hearing what our students needed to experience to stay engaged. I can tell you that all our students had nothing but good things to say about all the workshops they attended. Thanks again ”

New York University Student, New York, NY

“Hey Kyra-Lee, Thank you for all the support with my career journey this year! I’m so amazed and have so much respect for you and what you have made [the program] to become. I’m really thankful to have your support and help."

New York University Student, Singapore, Asia

Thank you so much for all the guidance and support so far! I have really really appreciated it and am really grateful to have know you during my time at NYU 😌 I’ll really appreciate continuous guidance for the future too!

Middle School Student, Syracuse, NY

"This conference was an amazing experience. I learned soo much. I got introduced to amazing opportunities. I got to meet so many new people and learned so much about engineering and business. Thank you for always teaching us something new and valuing our educations & experience."