Public Speaking

“You are never too young to have a voice”

According to various studies over the past decade, the fear of public speaking affects nearly 10 million people. It can be classified as a social anxiety disorder.  Here at F.C.M.A, we strive to help youth find their unique voice by developing soft skills. Consider us to be the TEDx & Masterclass for young people. We want our Future Change Makers to:
  • Develop their communication skills
  • Become more confident with speaking publicly
  • Improve body language
  • Identify tone of voice through written forms of communication

Featured Public Speaking Opportunities

Women in IT Workshop

Title: “The Misconception of Perception In Written Communication 💻📲 #digitalimpressions #digitalera  “Perception can be a powerful yet invisible force in the workplace”‼️


I hope my TED Talk would inspire someone to take time to grow and “approach the world with a new pair of eyes so that [You] can see [Your] city in a new light.” #KyraLeeSpeaks

Most Influential Student

Nominated by my peers, faculty and staff at New York University (NYU) for my passions for public speaking, civic engagement and S.T.E.M, I became one of NYU’s top 10 most influential students of 2018. #itsKyraLee